Livestock & agrosilvopastoral systems hIGHLIGHTS

Innovations for sustainable Crop-Livestock & Agro-Silvopastoral Systems

ICARDA’s integrated approach to more productive and sustainable crop-livestock and agro-silvopastoral systems focuses on the farmer and community-based solutions for improving sheep and goat production, sustainable rangeland management and restoration, water-efficient dryland forage production, and better crop-livestock integration in hybrid dryland systems.

Our solutions strive toward land degradation neutrality through restoration strategies that respond to climate change, reducing the environmental footprint of dryland agriculture. We also provide information and skills to rural households to ensure product safety and maximize value-added advantages. ICARDA’s teams interact with other CGIAR Centers on new projects and frameworks that define future crop-livestock methods under the One CGIAR reformulation to guarantee that CGIAR uses our new science now and in the future. This work is carried out by ICARDA’s Resilient Agro-Silvo-Pastoral Systems (RASP) team, which also integrates the research teams on Rangeland Ecology and Forages (REF), the Restoration Initiative on Dryland Ecosystems (RIDE) and Small Ruminants (SR).


Community-based breeding program