Agriculture 3.0

ICARDA’s Updated 2030 Research and Innovation Strategy

Why We Did It: Keeping a Step Ahead of the Climate Emergency

The dual forces of climate change and technological advancement are reshaping agriculture. One poses a threat, and the other offers unprecedented opportunities.
A new strategy for a new context
That's why ICARDA's 2030 Research and Innovation Strategy now encompasses climate change science while harnessing the latest agri-innovations and digital technologies to make sure our research stays cutting edge and relevant while aligning with CGIAR's 2030 Research and Innovation Strategy to drive equitable food systems transformation that empowers vulnerable communities to generate food-secure and prosperous futures

How We Did It: Partner-Led Process


ISI journal articles


Publications and

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Stakeholder consultations to
inform ICARDA's research and innovation strategy

What We Did: New Research Priorities and Crosscutting Research Themes

ICARDA's 2030 Research and Innovation Strategy centers on four Strategic Research Priorities and four Crosscutting Research Priorities and areas that are catalysts for transformation to maximize the impact of investments and enhance synergies, sustainability, and profitability.

Strategic Research Priorities (SRPS)

Plant genetic diversity

SRP1: Conserve and deploy plant genetic diversity in drylands for future food and corp challenges.

SRP2: Develop climate-smart crops for secure, profitable farming amid changing climates.

Resilient livestock

SRP3: Create resilient livestock and rangeland systems for livelihoods and environmental health.

Resilient agrifood sytems

SRP4: Foster resilient agrifood systems in the drylands for the benefit of communities


CCRP1: Climate Change Science (CCS)

Data Science and Machine Learning

CCRP2: Data Science and Machine Learning (DSML)

Socioeconomic Analysis of Innovations

CCRP3: Socioeconomic Analysis of Innovations (SAI)

Gender Equality, Youth, and Social Inclusion

CCRP4: Gender Equality, Youth, and Social Inclusion (GEYSI)

Focus Areas of ICARDA 2030 Research and Innovation Strategy

Diving deeper into climate science

Building resilience through climate science

Leveraging advanced technologies

Harnessing technology

Enhanced access to climate data

Spreading the risk

Accelerated crop breeding and distribution of new and improved varieties

Building more capacity to overcome climate risks

Cultivating future agri-experts

Inclusion for a resilient and prosperous future

Empowering Vulnerable Communities