Soil, Water, and Agronomy

Healthy Soil and Efficient Water Management in Community Hands

Investing in Natural Capital - Healthy Soils and Water Efficiency

ICARDA's approaches to soil, water, and agronomy approaches provide essential tools and knowledge to tackle climate challenges in hot and arid dryland regions. State-of-the-art irrigation and water harvesting systems combined with soil health practices like conservation agriculture and integrated pest management are vital for enhancing food security, maintaining healthy soils, and fostering prosperity.

One Drip at a Time

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Irrigation water saved through
raised-bed planting and
crop rotation in Egypt

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Average barley yield increase in
Tunisia under conservation agriculture

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Energy reduced by integrating
ULE drippers in net houses in the Arabian Penninsula

A Bundle of Options for Egyptian Farmers

Innovate Agriculture for Smallholder Resilience

A New Perspective to Empower Indian and Egyptian Farmers

Precision farming in Egypt
Precision farming in India
Red Palm Weevil

Adopt or not? Risky Perceptions for Palm Producers vs. the Red Palm Weevil

Building Capacity to Farm in Syria's Dry Areas