Director General and Board Chair Foreword

Facing Up to Climate Change

Foreword by Aly Abousabaa – Director General, ICARDA and CGIAR Regional Director of Central and West Asia and North Africa (CWANA) and Neal Gutterson - Board Chair, ICARDA.
Aly Abousabaa – Director General ICARDA and CGIAR Regional Director of Central and West Asia and North Africa
Neal Gutterson - Board Chair ICARDA

Research projects in
29 countries


Partnership agreements
signed or renewed


ISI journal articles

From Microscopic Genes to the Farm, Rangelands, and an International Network

A New Strategy for a New Context

This collective effort was essential in shaping ICARDA’s 2030 Research and Innovation Strategy, which enhances our response to climate change and will leverage cutting-edge technology such as AI, genome editing, and carbon capture to amplify our impact and efficiency. We are grateful to all our partners whose insights and feedback contributed to our new Research and Innovation strategy and ensure our work remains cutting-edge and relevant.

A new strategy for a new context

“Thanks to the collective feedback and support of our partners and funders in 2023,  ICARDA’s 2030 Research and Innovation Strategy is set to harness emerging technologies through climate science and AI, ensuring our groundbreaking research keeps farmers ahead of accelerating climate change.” – Neal Gutterson, ICARDA Board Chair

Climate Advocacy on the Global Stage